Sunday, 30 July 2017


Project 1: Case Study

In a group of 6-7, we are to analyse in depth the on the idea of "Life Between Buildings" as written by Jan Gehl at any streets in Philadelphia. 

The objectives of the assignment is:

1. To provide critical perspectives on key issues within the contemporary discourse of architecture, through integration of case studies and theoretical studies.
2. To enhance the understanding of the complexity of architecture and the ability to undertake independent research.

Attached is the A2 analysis board prepared by the group.

Project 2: Comparative Analysis Essay

This is an individual assignments whereby students are required to prepare 4 reaction papers based on the selected reading in 8 weeks duration. We are to identify the key points highlighted in the text and then focus on your personal perspective on issues raised through the text. In addition to our personal perspective, we are to identify experiences or insights that have shaped our perspective.  Then, students are to write an comparative analysis essays comparing the site in Design Studio 5 and the site assigned in project 1: Jalan Tar and Seoul Street 

The objectives of this assignment are:

1. Identification of key points from the reading
2. Use of appropriate architectural terminologies and writing skills in the synopsis
3. Clarity in opinions and reactions
4. Logical progression to ending with well-developed paragraphs

The selected readings are as follow:
1. Learning from Las Vegas, The Forgotten Symbolism of Architectural Form
2. Semiology and Architecture
3. The Geometry of Feeling
4. From "Towards a Critical Regionalism"

Thursday, 27 July 2017

Building Science 2

Building Science 2

Project I : Lighting & Acoustic Performance Evaluation and Design

This assignment aims:
1. To understand the lighting and acoustic characteristics & requirement in a suggested space.
2. To critically report and analyse the space.

In a group of 6, we are to pick a place to carry out an evaluation on the light and acoustic performance. My group has chosen Church cafe located at Pj for this assignment. Reason because this cafe is located in an secluded industrial area next to residence, and it is famous thus always crowded. Later, we will need to prepare and report a summarize the findings, conclusion and data collected.

Project II : Integration

This is an individual assignment whereby students are required to use the project proposed in Studio 5 module as an integration. We are to propose a lighting system design and application including natural daylight and also artificial lighting according to MS1525 to meet specific requirement in an community libary. This assignment aims:

1. To show understanding of artificial lighting and daylighting strategies (PSALI) in final design.
2. To solve design problems in relation to sustainability issues (natural lighting, site analysis).
3. To design spaces incorporating artificial and daylighting (when necessary)


Through these assignments i have learnt the proper way to evaluate the lightning and acoustic performance in a space. Also it gives me a better understanding on how different lighting fixtures are being used at different area (for project 1:auditorium) for different purpose. This allow me to have a clearer mind when it comes to the project 2 where we have to choose the suitable light fixture for spaces in a community library to maximize the efficiency, minimize the energy consumption and at the same time meet MS requirement in order to provide user comfort. Both this quality, lighting and acoustic are extremely important in achieveing user comfort thus i personally think that as a designer we should integrate this in a project more thoughtfully. However, i believe this will be more challenging when it comes to a real life project. Lastly, i appreciate all the effort and guidance by every lecturer and will work harder to fill the room of improvement.

Tuesday, 25 July 2017

Building Technology

Building Technology 1

The purpose of the module is to infuse us with vast and various knowledge on existing technology and developing trend, so that we can adapt and learn to walking alongside the technology of the era. Giving more selection and possibility to design and letting students to achieve a more qualified design proposal.

Project 1: Industrialized Building System

The first project required us to incorporate the system into a 3-stores flat or residential housing. Working in a group of 6, we discussed together how to incorporate the system into our proposed buildings part by part, from foundation to columns, from columns to beams, walls, washrooms, roof, etc. We are required submit a 1:40 model showing the construction procedure and a video recording data, calculation (IBS scoe and Embodied energy) and steps of construction in real life.

Attached is the video and calculations for your review.

Project 2: Construction Solution

This project works simultaneously with Design Studio V whereby we are to look into basic structural system for your library proposal in Design Studio V which include wall system, roof system, structural system and facade system.
This project open us up to various facade design technology, system and design. When considering a facade system, various factor needed to be dealt with and certain system does not work within our site. Submission includes all the related case studies/ precedent studies, 2 sectional perspective showing the construction details, and exploded detail drawings (if required), prepared in an A3 compound report.

Attached are the report for your review.


Upon completing these assignments,  i have learnt to be more analytical and critical on some structural and facade system and their detailing. I also notice the importance to look for details in real life construction because it would give us a better in sight or understanding when we want to implement something similar to our design.

Thursday, 20 July 2017

Studio 5

Architecture Design Studio 5 focuses on the theme of place-making for the urban street. It aims to explore and provide appropriate architectural solutions in designing a community library for the city’s inhabitants. We are to begin by conducting preliminary studies in that introduces them to the studies and context of urbanity through the analysis and documentation of the current urban condition of a selected inner-city site. This will be done in concurrence with the research of urban infill and community library precedents, and their architectural responses.

Project 1: Preliminary Studies

For this project, using Kevin Lynch's five elements of a city, we are to analyse a selected site and prepare the findings and data into 12 A3 boards. Through this assignements i have learnt about the priceless cultural and historical value of Kuala Lumpur and the importance of the 5 elements in a city.

Selected site: Jalan Tunku Abdul Rahman ( Jalan Tar)
This assignment aims:
1. To have an overview of the formation of cities and introduce basic concepts of urban design in relation to architectural design
2. To introduce and implement basic methodologies of urban studies
3. To investigate the role of community libraries in traditional and contemporary urban societies
4. To examine various examples and architectural responses for urban infills

Project 2: Community Library

In final project, its an individual project whereby students 
are to concentrate on designing a community library within an urban infill site. The design of the building is to consist of appropriate architectural responses that address the aspects of the urban street context and user behavioural patterns as discerned and analysed in the Preliminary Studies. Apart from developing a narrative on architectural strategy in response to the relevant questions pertaining to community and its context, the design should take into consideration a holistic application of structural, spatial, functional and environmental requirements to address the user needs for a community library. The design development of this project will include an introduction to the legislative restrictions that impact an architectural scheme, the integration of lighting and acoustic design, as well as the design exploration and detailing of the façade and building envelopes that is coherent with the architectural language of the overall design project.

The objectives of this assignment are:
1. To take into consideration key aspects of urban design and context in relation to architecture
2. To develop an awareness and basic compliance to Design Codes and Statutory Requirements
3. To emphasize the importance of elevational context and composition in developing architectural design
4. To implement and explore the conceptual, schematic and design development phases in an architectural design project.


Upon completing this project i have learnt the importance of urban context in relation to building design and the application of legislative elements in building. However, i have received feedback that my core idea isn't prominent enough thus i will pay more effort to improve on the aspects that are lacking in coming projects